Packing list and FAQ

Ladies Packing List

  • Travel Outfit

    You will wear business casual and then change at the hotel into professional attire for dinner and the opening ceremony

    ** no leggings, sweats, or ripped jeans **

  • 3 Competitive Outfits: for competing and award ceremonies

    Dress, skirt and blouse/sweater, or pantsuit- Stockings that match your 2 outfits and a back-up pair (3 total)

    Professional shoe- polishable, closed-toe shoe, low-heel (NO BOOTIES OR BOOTS)

    Jewelry- stud or small hoop earring, no more than 1 ring per hand

  • Casual Outfits: hanging out after 9pm

    2 outfits are reccomended

    BHS DECA t-shirt / Redhawk T-shirt

    Casual shoe to wear to dance


  • Undergarments:

    Stockings (minimum of 3 pair I.C.O.E.) or trouser socks

    Appropriate under garments that will not show through your outfits (conservative). Include a slip or tank if necessary. (Minimum of 3 sets I.C.O.E.)

  • Personal Hygiene:


    Toothbrush and Toothpaste

    Razor and cream

    Shampoo and soap (hotel will supply sample size)

    Feminine hygiene products (I.C.O.E.)

    Hair essentials- include accessories to restrain hair in a conservative manner (barrettes, clips, elastics, etc..)

    Makeup-conservative…. No sparkles, shimmer or glitter!

    Nails- should be neat and clean. If done, should be done conservatively (French manicure, pale neutrals, or simple clear gloss)

    Safety pins- I.C.O.E.

    Perfume is NOT necessary, could be offensive to a judge!

    Breath mints (no gum)

  • Other:

    Pre-packaged for evenings and next morning

    2 #2 pencils (minimum)



    The hotel does provide a hair dryer and iron in each room.

Gentleman’s Packing List

  • Travel Outfit

    You will wear business casual and then change at the hotel into professional attire for dinner and the opening ceremony

    ** no sweats, or ripped jeans **

  • 3 Competitive Outfits: for competing and award ceremonies

    Dress shirt, dress pants and tie (suit or sportscoat optional)- Socks that match your dress pants and shoes. (no athletic socks)

    Professional shoe- polishable (no sneakers, Sperrys or workboots)

    Conservative watch

  • Casual Outfits:

    2 outfits for hanging out after 9:00 pm

    BHS DECA t-shirt / or Redhawk t-shirt

    Casual shoe to wear to dance


  • Undergarments:

    Dress socks (minimum of 3 pair I.C.O.E.)

    Appropriate undergarments that will not show through your outfits (conservative). White t-shirts without logo. (Minimum of 3 I.C.O.E.)

    Dress belt

  • Personal Hygiene:


    Toothbrush and Toothpaste

    Razor and cream

    Shampoo and soap (hotel will supply sample size)

    Hair essentials- hair styling should be conservative/professional

    Nails- should be neat and clean.

    Safety pins- I.C.O.E.

    Cologne is NOT necessary, could be offensive to a judge!

    Breath mints (no gum)

  • Other:

    Pre-packaged snacks for evenings and next morning

    2 #2 pencils (minimum)



    The hotel does provide a hair dryer and iron in each room.

State Competition FAQs

  • Q. What do I need to pack?

    Professional outfits with professional shoes (no open toe, no canvas, no Sperrys for competitive events), PJs, casual outfit, loungewear for hanging out. We will provide packing lists as the event gets closer.

  • Q. Medication?

    All medication must be in a ziplock bag with a note signed by parent/guardian that lists each medication with instructions regardless if prescribed or over the counter. There should only be enough for the amount needed over the 3 days. Prescribed medication must be in prescription bottles with the student’s name on it.

  • Q. Allergies?

    Please provide a written note with any allergies.

  • Q. Bag Search?

    There will be a bag search on Thursday morning prior to leaving for the event.

  • Q. Can we bring snacks and drinks?

    You may bring snacks and drinks BUT they must be sealed and pre-packaged. No homemade cookies, brownies, etc..

  • Q. Do we need spending money?

    You do not need to bring extra spending money. However the 2 malls are adjacent to the conference and hotels. They have food courts and shops in which students may want to make purchases.

  • Q. Do we need to go to all sessions?

    Yes , this is a professional conference and you are expected to attend every session specific to your category, general sessions, and because we have a candidate running for state office- attend all social events to help support Eric’s candidacy.

  • Q. Meals?

    Meals are provided for each meal beginning Thursday night dinner - Saturday brunch. The nature of these meals will be determined based on the guidelines set forth by the City of Boston and their mandates around Covid.

  • Q. Advisor Contact Info?

    Monice Maurice (508) 737-9401